Saturday, April 18, 2015

JOURNAL - Scripture Journaling!

Journaling has been such a blessing to my spiritual life - especially in the way I read and understand the Bible.  As an audiovisual learner and an obsessive list-maker, using these study skills in my journaling has really opened my eyes to things I have missed in His Word.  The Inductive Study Method created by Precepts has also played a huge role in my understanding of the Bible.  I find it uses a lot of investigative journalism methods that I learned in school and helps to keep me focused as I study.  Honestly, I have a mind that wanders when I try to study - learning to block out the distractions is not something I have mastered.  Whatever your study skills were in school, you should give them a try with your Bible study.  You may be surprised at the impact as well!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

READ - Coffee Book Tag

I stumbled on this tag watching Booktube videos and thought it looked like fun.  Hope you enjoy my picks and let me know if you liked or disliked any of them.